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I was told a long time ago by a very wise professor “you can’t change the world but you can leave it different”. I believe each of us has probably said something to someone that has had a positive impact on their life and we don’t even know it happened. 

I tend to dream big and have had many aspirations. I have accomplished many things that I am proud of. I have made many mistakes that I can only learn from. I try to live one day a time but it is hard with all the crazy shit that is going on in the world. 

I have learned a lot about this world. Their is a lot of pure evil and I have seen things that I will never be able to unsee. Those things have changed me forever. 

On the flip side I have seen pure good and kindness that I also cannot unsee, which gives me hope in mankind as not being beyond repair.  

I, like many, believe that we are living in an extraordinary time. The question I constantly ask myself is where do I fit in all of this? What is my purpose? What is my part? Am I even making a difference? 

I do not know the answers in full, but I may never know. For me, I have faith in a power greater than myself and that power created all things- and is not the government. 

What I do know, is that I must continue to seek answers and not only just try to speak truth with my words but also demonstrate those words in my actions. I know I will fail, but know I need to learn and get up and keep trying to push ahead. 

I don’t need to be a digital soldier that has thousands of subscribers to put God and America first. 

I don’t have to be an elected official to make a difference, even though I have thought about that path from time to time. 

You have all taught me that I just have to be me. I love God and this country, and I will do all I can to stand up for freedom. America is the last stand for freedom in the world. Brave men and women have died to put in place and protect the freedoms we have taken for granted. Many of those freedoms that are the bedrock of our constitution are at risk of being eliminated. Some have slowly been removed or under minded right underneath our noses disguised as “health and national security”

I will not give up, I will not back down, I will not give in, I will not comply to anything that threatens our constitutional republic as defined in our constitution and bill of rights. 

I believe in We The People and that we are the ones that have the power to chart the course for our nation. 

I mentioned at the beginning (sorry this is so long) that a wise professor said to me “ you can’t change the world, but you can leave it different”

I would like to change that to “ WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, and WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE”.


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